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  1. R.T. Ginting, H. Abdullah, D.A. Barus, and V. Fauzia, Extremely High-Efficiency Solar Steam Generation, Robust and Scalable Photothermal Evaporator Based on ZIF-67@ MXene/rGO Decorated on Rock Wool, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2023), Advanced articles.

  2. D.A. Barus, R.T. Ginting, A.C. Faizah, R.D. Shafira, and K. Nainggolan, Carbon Dots Synthesis from Soybean with Urea Doped As Sensitive Fe (II) Ion Detection, Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research  10 (3) (2023)  171-176.

  1. M.H. Urgesa, D.F.A. Putra, A. Qadir, U.A. Khan, T.-C. Huang, Y.X. Chiu, J.H. Lin, and R.T. Ginting, Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation on Semiconductor Materials: Fundamentals, Latest Advances, and Future Perspective, in Photocatalytic Activities for Environmental Remediation and Energy Conversion. 2022, Springer Nature Singapore Singapore. p. 151-203.

  2. R.T. Ginting, H. Abdullah, E. Taer, O. Purba, and D. Perangin-angin, Novel strategy of highly efficient solar-driven water evaporation using MWCNTs-ZrO2-Ni@ CQDs composites as photothermal materials, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects  642 (2022)  128653.

  3. R.T. Ginting, H. Abdullah, and V. Fauzia, Facile preparation of MXene and protonated-g-C3N4 on natural latex foam for highly efficient solar steam generation, Materials Letters  313 (2022)  131779.

  4. H. Gemechu, K. Bekele, W. Bafe, P. Ambar, R. Astriani, F. Fariz, F. Meutia, and R.T. Ginting, Semiconductor-Based Photocatalytic Oxygen Evolution Performance for Water Splitting: Light-Driven Energy Conversion and Storage, in Photocatalytic Activities for Environmental Remediation and Energy Conversion. 2022, Springer Nature Singapore Singapore. p. 263-320.

  5. D.A. Barus, S. Humaidi, R.T. Ginting, and J. Sitepu, Enhanced adsorption performance of chitosan/cellulose nanofiber isolated from durian peel waste/graphene oxide nanocomposite hydrogels, Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management  17 (2022)  100650.

  6. H. Abdullah, R.T. Ginting, H. Shuwanto, and D.-H. Kuo, Banana peel biowaste-derived carbon composited with Zn (O, S) for solar-light photocatalytic hydrogen generation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy  47 (97) (2022)  41021-41033.

  1. T. Emrinaldi, C. Imawan, R.T. Ginting, and V. Fauzia, Effect of Growth Time on the Structural and Morphological Properties of MoS2 Synthesized via Hydrothermal Method, Materials Science Forum  1028 (2021)  162-167.

  2. H. Abdullah, R.T. Ginting, A.C. Sembiring, N.S. Gultom, H. Shuwanto, and D.-H. Kuo, One-pot preparation of multicomponent photocatalyst with (Zn, Co, Ni)(O, S)/Ga 2 O 3 nanocomposites to significantly enhance hydrogen production, New Journal of Chemistry  45 (42) (2021)  19889-19902.

  3. H. Abdullah, R.T. Ginting, R. Ikhtiari, N.S. Gultom, H. Shuwanto, and D.-H. Kuo, One-step synthesis of configurational-entropy In-doped Zn (O, S)/Zn-doped In (OH) 3-xSx composite for visible-light photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy  46 (58) (2021)  29926-29939.

  1. F.S. Lim, S.T. Tan, Y. Zhu, J.-W. Chen, B. Wu, H. Yu, J.-M. Kim, R.T. Ginting, K.S. Lau, and C.H. Chia, Tunable plasmon-induced charge transport and photon absorption of bimetallic Au–Ag nanoparticles on ZnO photoanode for photoelectrochemical enhancement under visible light, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C  124 (26) (2020)  14105-14117.

  2. K.S. Lau, S.T. Tan, R.T. Ginting, P.S. Khiew, S.X. Chin, and C.H. Chia, A mechanistic study of silver nanostructure incorporating reduced graphene oxide via a flow synthesis approach, New Journal of Chemistry  44 (4) (2020)  1439-1445.

  3. A.S. Hashimi, R.T. Ginting, S.X. Chin, K.S. Lau, M.A.N.M. Nohan, S. Zakaria, C.C. Yap, and C.H. Chia, Fast microwave-assisted synthesis of copper nanowires as reusable high-performance transparent conductive electrode, Current Applied Physics  20 (1) (2020)  205-211.

  1. K.S. Lau, R.T. Ginting, S.T. Tan, S.X. Chin, S. Zakaria, and C.H. Chia, Sodium cholate as efficient green reducing agent for graphene oxide via flow reaction for flexible supercapacitor electrodes, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics  30 (2019)  19182-19188.

  1. R.T. Ginting, M.M. Ovhal, and J.-W. Kang, A novel design of hybrid transparent electrodes for high performance and ultra-flexible bifunctional electrochromic-supercapacitors, Nano Energy  53 (2018)  650-657.

  2. R.T. Ginting, E.-B. Jeon, J.-M. Kim, W.-Y. Jin, and J.-W. Kang, Dual light trapping and water-repellent effects of a flexible-based inverse micro-cone array for organic and perovskite solar cells, ACS applied materials & interfaces  10 (37) (2018)  31291-31299.

  3. H.F. Oleiwi, A. Zakaria, C.C. Yap, S.T. Tan, H.B. Lee, C.H. Tan, R.T. Ginting, A. Alshanableh, and Z.A. Talib, Surface modification of ZnO nanorods with CdS quantum dots for application in inverted organic solar cells: effect of deposition duration, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics  29 (2018)  2601-2609.

  4. N. Kumar, R.T. Ginting, M. Ovhal, and J.-W. Kang, All-solid-state flexible supercapacitor based on spray-printed polyester/PEDOT: PSS electrodes, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals  660 (1) (2018)  135-142.

  5. N. Kumar, R.T. Ginting, and J.-W. Kang, Flexible, large-area, all-solid-state supercapacitors using spray deposited PEDOT: PSS/reduced-graphene oxide, Electrochimica Acta  270 (2018)  37-47.

  6. M.-K. Jeon, R.T. Ginting, and J.-W. Kang, Impact of short-time annealing of methylammonium lead iodide on the performance of perovskite solar cells prepared under a high humidity condition, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals  660 (1) (2018)  79-84.

  7. K.J. Hong, S.T. Tan, K.-K. Chong, H.B. Lee, R.T. Ginting, F.S. Lim, C.C. Yap, C.H. Tan, W.S. Chang, and M.H.H. Jumali, Synergy study on charge transport dynamics in hybrid organic solar cell: Photocurrent mapping and performance analysis under local spectrum, Current Applied Physics  18 (12) (2018)  1564-1570.

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